Picture Album of the British Isles from our Trip - September 2002 Section
Our first stop on the bus trip
was at Stonehenge, then Salisbury, and on to Plymouth for the night.
The mysterious assembly of stones called Stonehenge.
At Stonehenge are many of these mounds called barrows.
They are believed to be burial mounds for the workers who built Stonehenge
It is impossible to fit this Cathedral at Salisbury
into one picture. This is the spire which is the highest in England -
404 feet. The cathedral was built between 1220 and 1258, with the spire
added 100 years later.
East end showing the stained glass windows (facing left).
North side
Main entrance, west end. Visitors' entrance is the door on the right.
Cloisters, just outside the Chapter House which has
one of the four remaining copies of the Magna Carta. The trees
are Cedars of Lebanon planted in 1837 to commemorate the accession of
Queen Victoria.
Inside Salisbury Cathedral looking toward the High Alter at the east end.
I am not sure what this is, but it is impressive!
This 13th century clockstill works, and is the oldest
working clock in the world. It has no face or hands because it was used
only to strike the hour.
The inner harbour at Plymouth, Devon, showing the
Mayflower Steps. The original steps eroded away and were rebuilt in the
19th century. The semicircular platform has the names of all those who
sailed on the Mayflower.
Wednesday we left Devon for
Cornwall via the Tamar Bridge and spent the day touring this western-most
county of England. It is a beautiful place! For scenes of Cornwall and
Thursday's time in both Cornwall and Devon, click